1. What do you like best in running and what is your pet peeve?
Running helps me relax and forget about stuff that’s bothering me. You can run anywhere, and that’s what makes it so different from other types of sport. Running also strengthens your spirit: when you train regularly, you grow to be more disciplined. Thanks to this sport I’ve become organized: I plan my day so that there’ll be a place and a time for running.
2. What would ideal running/racing conditions look like to you?
I think there is no such thing as perfect running conditions, because for each person it’ll be something different. I fancy training during the winter months. And as for ideal race conditions, I’d say that whatever the weather, the positivism you feel at the competition outweighs anything negative that may occur.
3. What running dream do you have? If you had everything you needed, what would be the wildest, most impossible dream?
My greatest dream is to run a marathon. If I can do this, I’d like to participate in marathons on several continents. Travelling is a fascinating thing, and though I don’t have much experience in going abroad, I guess it’d be cool to see the world and in the meantime run races to fulfill my sports dream.
4. Tell about the toughest training you had. What was the outcome? And what was the most valuable takeaway?
Each training session is tough in its own way. In my opinion, the sessions I attended in a sports club in Tarnow were the hardest. I felt totally exhausted after some of them, but I was very proud of myself nevertheless.
5. What body part would you name that would be the most important when it comes to running? What body part you're most thankful to?
I think it’s not easy to pick just one part of the body, as I try to work on my body as a whole: I go to the gym several times a week. From my experience, legs and abs are important, as are arms, we use them a lot during running.
6. Did you do sports when you were a child? Was running among the activities you were fond of? If not, why did you eventually decide to start running and when did that happen?
I was always a very active child. I attended dance classes, rock climbing and running groups. In primary and secondary school I regularly took part in sports competitions and I won a few medals.
In high school I started training short distance (100 and 200 m) in the Tarnow club.
7. What do you feel when you're at the start line and when you've just crossed the finish line? What is essential for you to have when you're about to run a race and what do you usually do after you've run it?
Right before the start I usually feel very nervous, I guess it’s because I lack self confidence. As I start running, those emotions become insignificant and I just try to do as best as I can. The key thing is to see the race as a cool adventure which will be treasured as a pleasant memory. Such attitude helps me reduce the stress. After the finish I rest and try to recover. Of course, it all depends on the distance.
8. Was there something that changed in your views on running since you started?
When I started training, I was extremely competitive and used to compare my results with the others’. This often led to more stress and didn’t help my motivation. Later I realized that first and foremost you need to work on your strong sides if you want to get a better result. As time went by I began to enjoy running, and today it’s part of my everyday life that brings joy. I don’t see running only as competition now. I run because I like it, and because it helps me become a better version of myself: a more open and confident person.
9. What goal that you set to achieve in the beginning of your running journey now seems to be something that's too ambitious or maybe even impossible to do?
As I've already mentioned, I decided to run a marathon. I realize that this is not an easy goal to accomplish. I’m a sprinter, so I really need to push my stamina, but I hope that eventually I’ll succeed.
10. What goal do you have now, and what is it about it that fascinates you?
Now I aim to continue working on my strength and stamina, I also plan to participate in a few races in Wrocław which will take place in May.